Healing Techniques
All Natural Spiritual Energy Healing Techniques and Treatments
are based upon electro-magnetic energy transference. The electrical
wavelengths and magnetic currents of a healthy body, when super-energized,
can be used to heal an injured or disease-weakened body. One within
this super energized state of electro-magnetic energies, known as Enlightenment,
is able to direct a constant and pure flow of highly charged electro-magnetic
energy to heal injuries and dis-ease.
All life is based upon the electrical wavelengths of Light
and magnetic currents of Love. In physics, String Theorists, Quantum
Mechanic adherents and Einsteinian physicists, all agree that the basic
substance throughout our entire universe is comprised of electro-magnetic
energies. In the Natural Healing Techniques, one heals others simply
by being a pure conduit for the highest possible level of electro-magnetic
The Natural Healing Techniques Healer’s transference
of highly charged electro-magnetic energies flows down to the cellular
level of the specific injured or diseased part of the body. In summary,
Natural Healing Techniques work at the cellular level using highly charged
electro-magnetic energies to replace damaged cells with new cells. This
process uses the ancient form of natural stem cell replacement, for
when the proper level of charged electro-magnetic energies is combined
with human DNA, stem cells are created. This same process is used by
a healthy individual’s body to constantly reproduce new cells
for all parts of itself.
Special highly charged electro-magnetic energies are needed
to create the billions of cells which each of our bodies needs each
day to replace the billions of cells lost each day. The electro-magnetic
energies needed to create new cells comes a little from the food we
consume and from the air which we breathe, however, most of the highly
charged energies needed for cellular replacement come from the electro-magnetic
energy fields which surround our temporary physical body. These electro-magnetic
energy fields are our permanent body of Light, or Light Body.
Who we really are is a body of Light, or a Light Body. We go
into our Light Body at night when our physical body goes asleep and
we dream. Our Light Body, which surrounds our physical body, is that
part of us which religion refers to as “Spirit”. When our
Light Bodies first began to experience incarnations into, or living
within, human physical bodies, all humanity was completely connected
consciously between their Light Bodies and their physical bodies.
During this ancient golden age of humanity, a complete connection
meant that there was no constriction of any of the electro-magnetic
energies between one’s Light Body and one’s physical body.
Thus, physical bodies did not quickly wear out, or die of disease. One’s
physical body lasted for many thousands of years, enabling one to gain
a wide range of experiences in a single lifetime.
However, humanity began to focus all of their time on the earthly
sensual pleasures of eating, drinking and experiencing other parts of
earthly life. They completely neglected their daily practice of the
electro-magnetic energy balancing techniques that were used by their
ancestors to maintain a complete connection between their physical bodies
and their Light Bodies. Thus, when living for thousands of years, people’s
unresolved mental and emotional problems over past, unforgiven incidents
began to lead to unpleasant situations in their current lives.
In time, most of humanity lost their complete connection to
the highly charged electro-magnetic energies available within their
Light Bodies. Thus, today, the life span for most human physical bodies
has been shortened to less than a hundred years. However, since the
earliest of days, a few very special humans retained the pure electro-magnetic
energetic connections to their Light Bodies. These special ones became
the spiritual leaders and healers of their tribes and clans. An individual
who retained the pure electro-magnetic connections between their Light
Body and their physical body was known as an Enlightened One. Individuals
in the state of Enlightenment are able to consciously connect their
Light Body and physical body, and are able to heal others with a simple
“laying on of the hands”.
The highest level of electro-magnetic energies in our solar
system emanates from our sun. It is the electro-magnetic energies emanating
from our solar sun which creates and sustains all life on planet Earth.
Our solar sun is the conduit for the electro-magnetic energies which
emanate from that level of Creation which we call God. This energy transfer
process is the reason why the temperature on the surface of our sun,
the sun’s physical body, is a mere 10,000 degrees F, while our
sun’s atmosphere boils at around 4,000,000 degrees F and the core
of our sun reaches 30,000,000 degrees F. Our solar sun is literally
a “Sun of God” and this is why Sun of God worship, in some
form, has been upon planet Earth since 250,000 BC, the time when humanity
first began using human physical bodies to experience life at this 3rd
dimensional level.
Planet Earth has gone through a number of polar shifts and
other forms of energy cleansing during the last 252,000 years. These
shifts and cleansings, such as Noah’s Flood, have destroyed each
and every one of the civilizations of their time.
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