Tuesday, 20 March 2012

A Journey into the Energy Centers of the Human Body - The Seventh Chakra - The Crown Chakra


The seventh chakra is the power of consciousness.
The Seventh Chakra is also referred to as the Crown Chakra. This indigo colored chakra is center located on the top of the head. Physically the gland associated with the crown chakra is the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is no bigger than a pea and located at the base of the brain. It has three sections, each responsible for releasing particular hormones. The pituitary is often referred to as the “master gland” because it affects so many other glands and body functions. The energy of the seventh chakra influences that of the major body systems: the central nervous system, the muscular system, and the skin.
Indigo is the color associated with this chakra. Indigo symbolizes higher intuition, spirituality, psychic power, deep contemplation, and meditation.
Indigo is the color of the deep midnight sky. Indigo symbolizes a mystical borderland of wisdom, self-mastery, and spiritual realization. While blue is the color of communication with others, indigo turns the blue inward, to increase personal thought, profound insights, and instant understandings.
The seventh chakra is the center for our highest spiritual consciousness. It focuses the attention on the spiritual meaning of life and transcends all the senses. The seventh chakra is associated with a more profound spiritual connectedness than the other six chakras are. This chakra is the seat of higher wisdom and the energy that comes from this wisdom. The seventh chakra is thought to give access to the infinite intelligence that exists in the universe and is our key to opening the door to it. This chakra allows for self-expression on higher spiritual levels. When asking the question, "Who am I?" you are tapping into the energy of your seventh chakra.
The seventh chakra is associated with the higher mind, knowing, and integration of our spiritual and physical makeup. It is also our direct link to the God force or Universal force. One begins to realize that matter is nothing but form and thought centered in Divine Consciousness is true reality. All other thought is non-real, only a worldly illusion.
The seventh chakra is the “crowning” point of the chakra system. If we manage to open this center during our lives, we have reached the highest state of consciousness one can obtain, where we have actually elevated our consciousness and personal will, through the bodies of the physical (1st to 3rd charkas), emotional (4th chakra), mental, communicative (5th), intuitive, intellectual (6th) and now, finally the causal (7th), Divine Will for our life.
Any blockages to reaching the seventh stage of enlightenment occur in the other six chakra centers. When the seventh chakra is in balance, we feel calm, deeply at ease and fully aware, with a gentle and compassionate nature, free of worry. We feel connected to the Universe/God, our life source, opening a way to a world of calm, and of quiet strength, and confidence.
When the seventh chakra unfolds and opens, any blockages remaining in the other six chakras dissolve and their energies begin to vibrate at their highest possible frequencies. Each chakra then works as a mirror of the Universe/Divine Being at it's own particular level, and expresses the highest potential it is capable of. As soon as the crown chakra is completely awakened, it's task of absorbing cosmic energies comes to an end and it begins to radiate energy on it's own accord. It is only when we try to hold on to thoughts, without allowing alternatives or the possibility of change that disruption of the crown chakra happens.
The seventh chakra gives one important aspects of knowledge, fulfillment, awareness, self-determination, and identity. It is important to have this chakra balanced and charged, merging our dreams and desires into the physical body. This chakra can be forced shut or completely open, if this is the case, one may suffer from confusion, unconsciousness, disconnectedness, and can be easily controlled.
The Crown Chakra is associated with conviction, knowing and alignment with purpose. Opening the seventh chakra is necessary to receive greater knowledge and wisdom that is beyond the level of the body. Those with difficulty in the crown chakra are aware of the truth but don't always practice it, especially as it affects physical health. They may live on poor quality food, exhaust themselves, and/or are probably ignoring their bodily needs, although they do know better. They may waver or allow others to influence them against their best interests .
The purpose of opening and aligning the seventh chakra is to seek direct communion with Spirit. It is where perfection exists in our imperfect state. This chakra controls wisdom and true understanding. When this chakra is open, you are unprejudiced and quite aware of the world and yourself. When the seventh chakra is healthy, it allows you to plan your life and handle the daily trials and tribulations that life throws at you. You will feel your link with the Universe/Divine and with the rest of creation.
A healthy crown chakra is finely balanced on all levels. The thoughts that come and go need to be allowed free passage. If your seventh chakra energy were in optimum balance, you would most likely be some combination of faithful, peaceful, joyful, and grateful. On a physical level, you would likely be full of life no matter how old your body.
When your seventh chakra is unhealthy, it leads to unwise decisions, unhappiness, and a sense of indecision. You will feel alone and separate . When this chakra is closed, you can feel cut off from spirituality. At such times, your relationship with the divine becomes limited, and fears of the spiritual side of life can be magnified.
If one's seventh chakra energy is weak, you will likely be some combination of catatonic, depressed, and/or shameful. On a physical level, you might have diseases of the muscular system, chronic exhaustion, skeletal problems, and/or sensitivity to light/sound/environment.
If your seventh chakra energy is overactive, however, one can be described, as “being in their head” for this chakra is literally associated with the crown of the head. On a physical level, you may suffer from head injuries, brain tumors, migraine headaches, insomnia and/or chemical imbalances in the brain. In addition, if this chakra is over-active, you are probably intellectualizing things too much. You may possibly exhibit some intensely hysterical, frustrated, psychotic, and/or manic-depressive behavior.
The most important element in physical, emotional and spiritual health is being inspired by your own life. If the seventh chakra is overactive, go to the root chakra, balance it and work your way slowly and patiently back up to the seventh chakra.
Disruptions in your seventh chakra can also amount to the inability to gain closure on unfinished business. Most of all lack of flow in your seventh chakra leads to an inability to live in the present. People with blocked seventh chakra energy seem to always be either revisiting their past or looking ahead to the future. Remember that the sacred truth of this chakra is to live in the present moment.
Foods that open the seventh chakra are foods that generate space. Any food that brings the element of space into the body enhances the activity of the seventh chakra. As with the sixth chakra, raw green veggie juices are great. Fasting, up to a point, will also activate the seventh chakra.
When all your chakras are open and balanced, all selfish desires disappear. All concerns turn to the whole. You are grounded, visionary, and seemingly magical.
Think back and remember to when we began this journey up the chakras. We looked at digging our roots firmly into the earth (root chakra), opening up our creative energy (second chakra), manifesting things in the world (third chakra), opening our hearts (fourth chakra), claiming our true voice (fifth chakra), and eliminating false beliefs (sixth chakra), and finally experiencing total unification or yoga (seventh chakra).
I hope that over these past months you have received an understanding of the significance of the personal and spiritual transformation available by learning to balance and align your chakras.
To heal is to bring the chakras into alignment and balance. To continually balance and open every chakra reveals deeper levels of peace, freedom, joy and love .
Below is a meditation that Zeffi suggests you do on a daily basis throughout the month of May. After the 21st day you will see things start clearing for you throughout the last week of this meditation. Remember to write down the small miracles that make changes in your life. Write down what you have experienced or things that you observed.

Suggested Meditation

Make yourself comfortable in a place where you will not be disturbed during your meditation.
Wear comfortable clothes. Place your feet flat on the floor and do not cross your legs or arms.
You may want to play some soothing music to help you relax during your meditation (many metaphysical stores have various selections of chakra music).
Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
Take twenty deep breaths while visualizing above your head a bright white light that goes from the top of your head and runs down through your spine, down through your tail bone and out of your tail bone into the earth beneath you.
Imagine the light traveling down; down through the earth until it reaches the center where the white light becomes the fire at the center and becomes an anchor, anchoring you to Mother Earth keeping you grounded, safe, and secure within yourself. From this anchor visualize the color indigo, as a glowing ball of violet blue light at the top of you head. Check the shading of this color violet blue; check the emotions and feelings that you may be experiencing. Stay with this visualization for five minutes. Afterwards write down what you experienced during this seventh chakra meditation. An important part of this exercise is to write down or journal your findings. Your journal doesn't have to be formal – it doesn't even have to be written in complete sentences! All it is, is a place for you to express what you are feeling. These meditations can strengthen each chakra center by visualizing its vibratory color. Write down your impressions leaving out nothing you observed and/or felt. You will find that as you write that you are exploring who you are, what you are going through, and how you are dealing with it.
In addition to this meditation, Sunday is the day of the Sun and Planetary Hours are the “timing” of when a ritual should be performed for maximizing the effects and results of your intention.
If you would like to conduct a ritual for health and assist clearing your seventh chakra,
Zeffi recommends that on Sundays from sunrise to sunset only a vegetarian diet be consumed.
Or in place of that choice you may choose simply to consume green tea and water (a day fast) for the same length of time.

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